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Understanding the layers of self through through yoga and yogic philosophy to promote mental wellness

"Unraveling: Understanding the layers of self through yoga and yogic philosophy to promote mental wellness" is an ebook written by Marianna Ferri exploring what it means to understand oneself through an unraveling of self through a yogic lens. The book begins looking at Western concepts of psychology including perception, awareness and nervous system regulation.  There are seven sections of the book which highlight and explore the energetic body looking at the chakra system and koshas and how they impact our mental wellness. The book also goes on to explore the inner and outer ethics of yoga and their impacts on mental wellness and our ability to practice self-awareness in life. Another fundamental component to the book is the importance of breathwork, concentration and asana (the physical practice of yoga) and their contributions to one's mental wellness. E-book will be available for purchase starting April 2024. 


This ebook is for you if: 


  1. You want to explore yoga and yogic philosophy in a new way

  2. You want support with your mental wellness

  3. You want to develop more self awareness

  4. You want to learn about your energetic body and how it impacts one's mental wellness 

  5. You want to tie Western and Eastern knowledge to better understand your wellness

  6. You want to understand holistic mental wellness on a mind, body and soul level 

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